
We are inviting everybody inside and outside Sri Lanka to help to continue our activities, especially:

  • the monastic training and education of nuns at the Sakyadhita Training and Meditation Centre
  • to pay the stipends for student nuns
  • to teach English and computer skills

Donations from Germany

We are happy to inform the public in Europe that the Buddhistische Akademie Berlin Brandenburg has agreed to promote our need for help and is collecting donations for us through the following bank account:

  • account holder: Buddhistische Akademie BB
  • banking institute: GLS Bank
  • IBAN: DE 53430 60967 11338 34901
  • reference: "Project Sakyadhita Sri Lanka”

Donations to the Buddhistische Akademie will be tax-deductible for German citizens.

International Donations

For donations coming from Sri Lanka or other parts of the world, please use our following bank account in Sri Lanka:

  • account holder: Sakyadhita
  • account number: 003160000359
  • Sampath Bank, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

All sponsors are requested to state clearly their name and address, so we can communicate with you and thank you for your help.

* ·© Sakyadhita in Sri Lanka - 2021 pmwiki-2.2.79 - Website © Moni Kellermann